Welcome to the new Gloria Dei Website Pardon our dust as you experience the new things gdlc.org has to offer!
Welcome to the new Gloria Dei Website Pardon our dust as you experience the new things gdlc.org has to offer!
Welcome to the new Gloria Dei Website Pardon our dust as you experience the new things gdlc.org has to offer!
Welcome to the new Gloria Dei Website Pardon our dust as you experience the new things gdlc.org has to offer!
Welcome to the new Gloria Dei Website Pardon our dust as you experience the new things gdlc.org has to offer!
Gloria Dei –

Middle & High School

At the core of serving our 6th-12th grade students is our small group leaders. Our small group leaders serve on Sunday morning to guide our students through their Bible based lesson while answering questions.

Preference Area: Kids & Students
Not sure where to serve?

Not sure where to serve?

No problem. Reach out to us with your questions, and we'll help you get connected.