Wednesday Morning Women's Bible Study
Wednesday morning Bible studies will resume on January 8, 2025, and we cannot wait to see you there! Classes are held from 9-11am. All classes meet in LC210/212 for opening prayer before dispersing to separate classrooms. Ladies can choose from two classes:
LifeLight Study: Ezra and Nehemiah - Kathie Stocker will be leading a LifeLight Study on Ezra and Nehemiah in LC210/212. She is an engaging teacher, and you will truly enjoy time in the Word with her and her group. LifeLight's Ezra and Nehemiah study is from the Old Testament at a point in time when Israel is returning from Exile. The people will need to rebuild their lives of worship, prayer, and purity while rebuilding the wall and renewing their covenant by asking God to remember them. We will post links for purchasing the books in December.
One in a Million by Priscilla Shirer - This seven-session class will look at two Israelites who crossed the Jordan and entered into the Promised Land. Through this study, we will find direction for our own spiritual lives and learn to "expect to see God move miraculous ways in our everyday lives". This class is led by Debbie Baacke and will meet in LC214/216. We will post links for purchasing the books in December and cannot wait for the group to take a wonderful journey with Priscilla Shirer and Debbie Baacke over the Jordan, through the Promised Land, and into our lives today.